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  • 79 tasks for my virtual assistant

79 tasks for my virtual assistant

Increasing visibility online, virtual assistants, shamelessly cloning, and you can just do things

Hello hello! What’s up?

This is a letter, a personal letter, from me to you. I hope to send it to you every week. If you find it boring, or want to holler at me, just reply to this.

I am going to share three interesting things I came across the past week, every week.

Let’s get into it.

  1. How I increased my visibility (online)

Post by Kent C. Dodds on how he ended up with huge following online, and what are the repeatable things you can do.

  1. 79 tasks for my virtual assistant

I was wondering how people delegate tasks to VAs, and found this post by my friend Nick Gray, who also happened to write the book “20 hour cocktail party”.

  1. Shamelessly cloning

Great post by Shaan Puri (of My first million). He explains how people are bad at copying/cloning, and if you can get good at it, there’s a huge fortune to be made!

Wrote a small post about how you can just do things. Check it out. Just do it 😛

P.S. Hit me up if you’re looking for a team to build full stack web or mobile apps.