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  • Games people play with cash flow

Games people play with cash flow

Tech twitter drama, antelopes and mice, some cash flow, and some requests for cash

Hello hello! What’s up?

This is a letter, a personal letter, from me to you. I hope to send it to you every week. If you find it boring, or want to holler at me, just reply to this.

I am going to share three interesting things I came across the past week, every week.

Let’s get into it.

  1. Summary of tech twitter drama this past week

I was traveling in Europe last week, this tweet really helped me get on top of things. Hope it does the same for you. 😄

  1. Are you hunting a deer or mouse?

Tim Ferris gives a great analogy on how to work.

If you look at your calendar for the last month or your to-do list for next week, or the lack thereof, are you hunting field mice or antelope?

  1. The games people play with cash flow

Finally got around to reading this monstrous post, thanks to a flight I was on (from Europe).

On the surface, it’s normal stuff, but explained beautifully how your primary task in a business is to manage cash flows, and what are the tools that you can deploy.

The first paragraph links to a non existent post, but I got you, here’s the link that you can open to read it.

I just came back from Europe (did I mention I went to Europe yet?) so I didn’t really post anything online. The vacation really charged me up though, feeling very motivated now, because I just spent two weeks spending money in Euros and Swiss Francs.

So, if you’re looking for a team work on your software, please hit me up, I need to make back money I spent.