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  • 3.25LPA to a portfolio of 4cr in 10 years

3.25LPA to a portfolio of 4cr in 10 years

Write, make cool shit, 3.25LPA to 4cr

Hello hello! What’s up?

This is a letter, a personal letter, from me to you. I hope to send it to you every week. If you find it boring, or want to holler at me, just reply to this.

I am going to share three interesting things I came across the past week, every week.

Let’s get into it.

  1. More people should write

Pretty solid post on why more people should write.

  1. Start making cool shit

A video about the importance of having project to work on and explaining the math behind it.

Love the title of this one!

  1. 3.25LPA to a portfolio of 4Cr+ in 10 years!

Inspiring story of this person who started with a salary of just 3.25LPA and now has a portfolio of over 4cr in 10 years.

Discipline and consistency can do wonders for you!

Happy New Year! 2025 is here, hope you make this year count!

P.S. Hit me up if you’re looking for a team to build full stack web or mobile apps.